Sunday, May 20, 2007

The impossible has happened

We've been waiting for this a long time. By 'we' I mean the gaming community the world over who experienced the visceral combat, tasted the grittiness of post-nuclear survival, laughed at the in-game jokes, scratched our heads while deciding whether to free the slaves or walk away from a potentially dangerous battle with the mutants and grasped at Fallout Tactics as a stopgap measure to fill the void previously left empty.

After Fallout 1 and 2, many were left waiting for more. Now, the waiting has been justified.

I recall joining an online poll asking that a sequel to Fallout 2 be made. Left a comment saying that even if it was a flop, people would still buy it to try it out, so there was no way it would be a futile venture. Or things to that effect.

Now we not only have Fallout 3 to look forward to, but yesterday, another long-awaited sequel reared its head.

Starcraft was a fiendishly difficult game for me. I remember being so frustated upon reaching the final stages that I'd just type in the cheat codes to see how the ending was like. And now they've made a game that looks good, while retaining everything that made the original Starcraft brilliant; the cutscenes, the intricately balanced units which said funny things when clicked, the sci-fi setting and the reliance on resource management.

The first night I got the original Starcraft to run, the first few games, about how a futuristic human civilisation investigated, then struggled to fend off a mysterious alien threat kept me enthralled. Playing chess with a giant scorpion, or listening to a mole-rat's plans to take over the world kept me playing Fallout 2 late into the night during my pre-uni years.

Here's hoping both Fallout 3 and Starcraft 2 can recreate their magic.

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